Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Famjam's in Town

So a couple of days ago Mom, Ben (older brother), Liam (younger brother), and Abbi (girlfriend of Ben)drove down and have been staying at my grandparents' condo in Clearwater. They've been driving an hour and a half every day to come see me at the Contemporary and go to the parks, and boy do they take a lot of energy! Not the company of course, I love having them around, but walking in the sun around Magic Kingdom all day and then heading off for a 6 hour evening shift is a bit draining. Jer and I bestowed Liam with our supply of gifts and took him pin-trading and getting sorcerer cards. We even were able to take the famjam into Cast Connections! Today we're all taking a break from eachother, and storing up our energy for another adventurous day tomorrow. They'll be moving house to a townhouse close to Vista Way, and I'll spend my morning at work followed by an afternoon in the park and spending the night at the townhouse. Tuesday is an evening out with my roomies(the group I went to Miami with), Wednesday is my last day of work, Thursday is our official graduation, Dad's arrival in Florida, and a huge group event of watching the Wishes fireworks show one last time at MK, and finally Friday brings the teary goodbyes and flights home (or for my lucky Brits, an excursion to New York City. So jealous!)Afterwards the family will vacation in Florida for a few more days and then finally I shall return home to Canada. There's A LOT waiting for me to do when I get back, so I think I'll be sure to spend lots of time socializing and relaxing in the Florida sun here before I leave once and for all. In the meantime, this evening Amy, Charlie, and I have been busying about cleaning (and I mean REALLY cleaning) our apartment as we have an inspection tomorrow. If we fail the inspection, we all have to pay 25 bucks. If we pass with flying colours - a free box of Ferrero Rocher truffles! My hands are prunish and all I smell is chemicals, but I've got my eyes on the prize. Off to work!

1 comment:

  1. OMG YAY!!!! you are coming home soon :) o just an fyi, there wil be a sleepover for all of us the week my parents are on vacay for at last one night. so yeah, super excited, try to make time for us :) <3
