Monday, July 16, 2012

Pirates and Pals

So here's what's been happening recently: I have been finally working a bunch of 8 hour night shifts and spending a lot of mornings at Jer's playing magic, neopets, and talking about home. Also, he cooks me breakfast and makes hazelnut coffee everytime I go over, which is a plus. Some mornings (well, early afternoon as I get up around 10:30 everyday) I go walking in the sunshine or lay outside by the pool with my roommate Amy, but every afternoon always ends in an evening at the Contemporary. I can honestly say that I enjoy my job, as I have really gotten to know my coworkers and coordinators and learned the ins and outs. I think it's going to be hard to say goodbye to everybody, despite how much I'm looking forward to being home again. Last night was a new experience, as I got to participate in Pirates and Pals. It's a little thing done by the resort where adults and children alike can dress up like pirates, meet and greet Hook and Smee form Peter Pan, eat pirate cake and other free food, then go on a cruise boat to watch the fireworks in the middle of the lake. Outside of the conference room where this all happens, some Merchandise Cast Members set up a small area of pirate merchandise, also dress in costume, and play around with the kids. I was beaten in two separate sword fights, and even tackled to the ground by one energetic boy. It's alright though, I met a family of Canadians from Thunder Bay whose daughter shares the same name as me, and was rewarded with a hug from her :)Tonight is my last night of work until Miami on Wednesday! I. Am. So. Excited!

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