Saturday, June 9, 2012

Epcot (again) and Bed Bugs

Let's start with the most recent and disturbing occurrences in my life and make our way to the happier ones. My room is located on the ground level in the corner right beside a garden, and so when it rains, tiny little ants (that I was told are apparently in the spider family) make their way somehow through my wall and onto and into everything. My dresser, my drawers, my laptop screen, heck I went to go and fry some eggs this morning, and guess what started crawling out of the pan once I had turned on the heat? I have woken up with tiny bite marks on my arms too, so yep, they're in my bed. Just lovely. Now would be a wonderful time for the rain to stop. I went out yesterday and bought a ton of cleaning supplies, and as I was walking home with my broom in one hand and various soaps in the other, couldn't help but think that I was embodying the old stereotype for women. :P The last few days have been fun, I had the Wednesday and Thursday morning off so on Wednesday, met up with my friend Val to go to Epcot. We did some character hunting and rode some rides, and then of course it started raining, so we decided to seek shelter in the Captain EO show, which to all who haven't seen it, is basically a music video of Michael Jackson in Space. I'm not kidding. Our friend Carissa joined us just before Val had to leave for work, and she and I decided to go play pretend at the Grand Floridian hotel. We walked around and pretended to be one of the hotel guests, absorbing the music of the grand piano and walking in and out of the fancy shops. We started with a homemade soap shop, where we were encouraged to sample the lip scrubs, hand scrubs, and bath soaps. It was a real treat! After a while we tried to have tea in the beautiful lounge, but it was reservation only and we were too late. We monorail-ed it over to the Contemporary (my workplace!) and got ourselves some cheap snacks, then headed home. After a wet walk to the Walgreens for some groceries, it was almost dark out, so we found Jeremy and friends in the Clubhouse where we all finished our evening together drinking 30 cent hot chocolates and watching Disney's Tangled. The next morning before work, I was invited out to the Golden Corral for a breakfast Buffet, and so we ventured over and stuffed ourselves silly, then waddled home in time for work. I felt full throughout the evening!

1 comment:

  1. Buy cans of raid and escalate the issue to building management ASAP. Peel the sheets and vacum the bed(spray raid around the base of the bed so that if any crawel up they will die. Make sure you get the spray that will kill the bugs if they walk on it. Spray the windows and doors, and around all the edges of the room. Building mamangement should spray the appartment asap. wash all your clothes and keep them in garbage bags when dry. The red bugs are spider mites. The bites may be a different bug. Check your bed carefully, edges, creases, etc. Bed bugs are giant as compared to spidermites. In any case do not ignore it. I ma sure Disney would not want this made public so you may want to remove the info from your blog. Luv Dad
