Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Animal Kingdom Lodge and Sibling time

So, this week I have been deployed (meaning my work location is temporarily moved to another area) to Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge. That means a new costume, and as the Lodge is done up in an obviously African-inspired design, I get to wear a westernized African traditional outfit as my costume. It is incredibly comfortable though, and the store that I work in - the Zawadi Marketplace- has some very cool decor. Today, an American man approached me and asked "Pourquoi est-ce que tu parles francais? (Why do you speak french?)" to which I replied "Parceque je suis Canadienne!" We then had a lovely conversation in French, and I learned that he was a elementary school French teacher. After he walked away, I turned back to my coworkers who exclaimed, "This girl speaks wicked french!" It was a nice moment for me :) This evening my shift starts at 6:30, so I had some time to get some shopping done. Jeremy and I met up on the bus to Cast Connections where we had fun playing with the leftover merchandise from Star Wars Weekends and finding great bargains. I got a nice summer dress and Jeremy, well he got a backpack that looks like a little Chewbacca(forgive me if I misspelled that) is getting a piggy-back ride with a matching T-shirt. We headed to the next store over and browsed around Property Control, where we found some neat costume pieces that have been retired. We bought matching waistcoats. After picking up the necessary foodstuffs, we took the bus home and met up again at the pool for some quality tanning time. It's the first time I have actually laid down to tan since I got here. It was a scorcher, and we called it quits after about an hour and a half in favour of eating ice cream and playing Magic in Jer's apartment. Guess who beat her teacher twice in a row? That's all that's going on for now. My roommate's friend is celebrating her birthday with a Character Brunch at the Grand Floridian tomorrow, so expect more photos to come!

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