Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 8 - The Avengers at the AMC

No pictures today :( sorry! I had the day off and spent most of my morning sleeping, blogging, or skyping my mother (to all moms who are reading this, Happy belated Mothers Day!) It was great to catch up with what's going on at home, and receive some parental advice on things :P I never thought I would actually admit to that, but it's true! Helen, Charlie, and I (my British roomates) headed down to the DOllar Tree for some cheap essentials, then cancelled our plans to go to the pool as it was still overcast weather. I had rented two movies from the office a few nights ago, so at around noon I decided to watch Forest Gump. Just as I was getting all teared up at Jenny's death, Jeremy walked into my room in full costume and gave me a typical Jeremy stare. We decided to head off to Starbucks for some espresso. Poor Jer had been up since 3:30, and he looked exhausted. After we returned, I had a piece of cake and was just deciding what to have for lunch when knock knock on the door, it's Jeremy again! He informed me we had less than two minutes to get to the bus stop for a trip to downtown Disney with a group of Canadians, so I grabbed a banana and ran with him there. We got onto the bus just in time and made our introductions to a few new friends, with whom we spent the evening with at Downtown Disney eating delicious and cheap sandwiches from the Earl of Sandwich and watching The Avengers at the AMC theatre. It was a terrific movie! We got back to the hotel at around ten and those of us who had to work early, including Jer, said goodbye and went to bed. About five or six of us who have today off, however, met up at the pool and spent an hour or so conversing and having a ghood time in the hot tub. I met one guy who studies at Mcgill and speaks English, French, and Mandarin, and another guy who comes from France but was studying in Quebec when he was hired for Disney. We spent quite a bit of time practicing our English and French with eachother, which was a huge plus for me. It was a great, restful day off.


  1. Yeh! Just discovered how to add a coment to this blog. I am so happy you are enjoying the working at Disney. I miss U lots, but it helps following your blog. Thankfully you have one because Jeremy isn't keeping intouch, tell him I miss him too.

    Lots of LUV Dad.

    1. Hi Dad! I'm sorry, I just noticed your comment.
      I miss you too, and Mom and Liam and Ben and Carly and even Cleo! Life is pretty repetitive at this point, so I haven't been posting to much lately, but I'll try to keep it up!
